Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Largest Antique Store Ever. Ever!

Hello all! I've arrived in Winnipeg and since my arrival, time has seemed to slow down significantly, to the point where yesterday I could have been quite happy to hit the hay at 9pm, but you tube music videos of new bands care of Ashley Karen Cole helped me through (I've now got "Twilight Hotel" securing within my knowledge base now).

On our first epic journey into the bowels of Winnipeg, Ashley took us casually to "an antique shop" around the corner from her house yesterday afternoon. But I soon discovered her lie, for this was not simply "an antique shop", no no...this was, by far, the largest and most extensive antique shop I've ever seen in my life. It is apparently owned by six different people who all collaborated their own individual collections into this one space.

I have made a video to share, though my narrative is somewhat lacking due to being slightly shy in front of the strangers in all of the various rooms, but you'll get the picture.

1 comment:

  1. The funniest part is that you missed another three rooms in your walk. Probably for the best though,all you would have added to your recording was a red colored 70's themed room and the ass'n'thong lanpstands precariously placed in the show window (of all places).
